Oxbow Park


Located at 257 Portland St. Morrisville

Oxbow Park is approximately 6.8 acres located on a peninsula of land surrounded on the west, north, and east sides by the Lamoille River. The land was purchased by the Alexander Hamilton Copley Fund for the Town of Morristown in November 1996.  

Located in the park are the community gardens, a performance pavilion, a basketball hoop, swing sets, two bathrooms that are opened seasonally and a portage area with stairs into the park from Lamoille River. The State of Vermont tagged Oxbow Park as the official parking area for Lamoille Valley Rail Trail in Morrisville. 

The park is open from 7:00am to 9:00pm. 

If you are interested in usage of the park, you can find the park rules, policy, and rental application here.

For more information contact Community Development Coordinator 802-888-6375 or Recreation Coordinator 802-888-6378